Saturday, August 1, 2015

It's Business Time: Cadence Chocolates

After many years of claiming I never wanted to own my own business, I've started one. I kept avoiding it because all the racket that comes with a business - managing people, paperwork, marketing, storefronts, etc. - seemed like a horrible bunch of stuff that would take me farther away from the craft of it.

I have loved chocolates for quite some time. It has been a part of my side work since I started in restaurants and have always wished for more of that and less of the rest. After careful consideration, lots of question asking and answers gotten from people who have started their own chocolate businesses, and many test batches amongst friends and friends of friends, I have taken the plunge.

It's a lot less intimidating when people tell you they're doing it all by the seat of their pants. It makes you feel like you can do it, too, and all that hemming and hawing and planning and contemplating won't get you anywhere if you never take action.

So here it is, my chocolate company in San Francisco, CA. I wanted to take my chocolate skills out of fine dining restaurants and provide people with the beautiful treats without the three-hour meal. Cadence Chocolates will be available for your whatever you're celebrating. Weddings, new funding at your startup, quinciñeras, birthday dinner parties, come at me.  I can make (most of) them vegan, too.  Take a look at the site and let me know what you think!